Professional Photography & Video Policy
A professional photographer is anyone shooting people, animals, or nature on our farm and receiving any type of compensation, such as money, trades, goods, services or other.
Photographers shooting sessions with one or more families during an approximately 4 hour time period must follow these guidelines. These sessions are ONLY available during the hours we are open to the public. All persons, including the photographer and assistants, must pay admission (No admission for Blackberry and Strawberry Season). All persons must park in the public parking areas. Photo times outside of the public operating hours will be considered and the fee negotiated in advance.
Check-in: Photographers must check-in, register, and pay the fee at admissions during Open Business Hours. You will be given a Photographers Identification wristband. Photographers without our farm photographer's wristband will be asked to leave.

All persons must park in the parking lot
We do not allow outside food and drinks.
Dogs are not allowed.
Be courteous and respectful of our property, activities, and other customers. Props may be set- up if they do not interfere with the enjoyment of other customers and must be removed completely. Grounds must be left in the same condition and cleanliness as when you arrived.
McGarrah Farms Rivercrest Orchard, LLC reserves the right to ask you to move, alter a set-up, or leave if you are disruptive or not complying with the farm’s policy.
McGarrah Farms Rivercrest Orchard, LLC reserves the right to alter this policy or refuse photographer access at any time for any reason.
Photographs, subjects, and props shall not have any nudity or offensive or vulgar content. If any representative of McGarrah Farms Rivercrest Orchard, LLC observes or becomes aware of dangerous, pornographic, illegal or negligent practices or activities, McGarrah Farms Rivercrest Orchard, LLC reserves the right to stop the shoot and require the photographer and subjects to leave immediately with no refund given.
Published photos should credit "McGarrah Farms Rivercrest Orchard, LLC, Fayetteville, AR”. Rivercrest Orchard welcomes your photo submissions with the assumed permission for the Farm to use the pictures in any media or ad.
rules to remember